Commercial Warranty
The commercial warranty is according to the warranty certificate issued by the manufacturer, depending on the product category, and represents the period during which the consumer benefits from free repairs provided by the seller/manufacturer.
Conformity Guarantee
All products are covered, by law, with a conformity guarantee, which represents the legal period of 2 years in which the product is brought into conformity for the consumer at no charge. Conformity refers to the product features communicated to the consumer through the advertising made by the seller/manufacturer.
During the conformity guarantee period, the manufacturer repairs, replaces, or refunds the product value in accordance with Emergency Ordinance 140/2021. The time period set for the repair resolution cannot exceed 15 calendar days from the date the buyer notified the seller of the product's non-conformity.
According to Government Ordinance 21/1992, the seller is obligated to provide the consumer with: